October 27, 2016

Our Team

We provide customised solutions for your industry and specific business model

Our team is made up of people who have worked in logistics, customs, international trade, import/export compliance and export controls with Fortune 100 US multinationals as well as local companies. Our prior experience in driving customs and trade programmes in the Asia Pacific region include

  • Advising companies on the implications of customs and trade regulatory changes on their business and providing practical solutions on those issues/opportunities
  • Helping companies navigate and make the most of customs and export controls rules and regulations in a compliant manner
  • Collaborating with internal business partners to drive the advocacy agenda and influence the direction of present and proposed government policy on customs, trade and export controls
  • Creating and implementing an optimal risk management and self-audit programme which identified, addressed and mitigated major risks
  • Conducting post-entry compliance reviews and assisting the business with resolving issues identified
  • Developing tools and training materials that supported general awareness of trade compliance requirements
  • Advising companies on how to implement global cost reduction strategies through customs valuation planning, duty reliefs and preferences
  • Working on regional projects which optimised tax, supply chain, manufacturing and customs duties which resulted in significant commercial advantage for clients