September 28, 2016

The Solutions We Offer

Our Mission : We collaborate with our customers to drive importer and exporter of record solutions that are timely, effective, efficient and compliant with applicable laws and regulations

The solutions we offer : why companies would need ImportAxcess

  • You don’t have a legal entity or fiscal presence in the country of import
  • You do have a legal entity but you don’t have the infrastructure to support import activities
  • You are shipping equipment to support a project where the title of the goods needs to remain with you even after importation
  • This is a B2B or B2C eCommerce shipment and it’s not desirable for your customer or end user to be the importer of record
  • This is a warranty replacement or spare parts shipment where you need to deliver to the customer’s doorstep (DPP terms)
  • You may have temporarily lost the right to import in your own name, due to import/export compliance issues

All of the scenarios above can be supported by engaging ImportAxcess to act as your importer or exporter of record.