September 28, 2016


  1. Is ImportAxcess a customs broker, and do you do customs clearance?
    • ImportAxcess is not a customs broker, nor do we perform customs clearance. Your freight forwarder’s in-house customs broker or 3rd party customs broker can continue to perform this function, even when utilising IOR/EOR services. ImportAxcess simply acts as the importer or exporter of record for customs declaration purposes.


  2. What is an importer or exporter of record?
    • An importer or exporter of record warrants, and is legally bound to ensure, that the details provided in the customs declaration are correct.


  3. Does ImportAxcess provide courier or freight forwarding services including local delivery?
    • No, however we are able to refer you to our partners who may provide such services if required.


  4. Isn’t the IOR service a typical part of the freight forwarder’s service offering?
    • Freight forwarders generally specialise in the physical transport of goods. Additionally they may provide customs brokerage (clearance) services or this may be outsourced to a 3rd party customs broker. An importer or exporter of record takes legal responsibility for the customs valuation, classification and country of origin associated with the import or export declaration as well as the application of any necessary licences and permits. Engaging a dedicated IOR/EOR service provider like ImportAxcess allows you to access our resources which leverages our local import/export regulatory expertise and knowledge for the smoothest end-to-end fulfilment process.


  5. What about the payment of customs duties and VAT/GST?
    • Your normal payment processes for duties and taxes will apply. Most freight forwarders/carriers perform this function on their customers’ behalf along with customs clearance and local delivery. Your freight forwarder can continue to perform this function for you, even when using our IOR services. ImportAxcess works closely with most major forwarders and can assist in ensuring this process is as seamless as possible. In certain circumstances we can also pre-arrange for our agents to fulfil this role.


  6. Does ImportAxcess provide importer/exporter of record services for all products and industries?
    • We are a boutique IOR service provider supporting multinational companies and the e-Commerce industry. We specialise in some industries, and may support other industries, depending on the type of goods/product.  Please contact us for more details on our industry expertise.


  7. Can I reclaim GST/VAT payments under this model?
    • GST/VAT payments are generally not directly refundable under an IOR model. Please note, however, that there can be other significant advantages of using an IOR that may partially or fully offset these costs, such as corporate tax savings. Please contact us for further information.


  8. My shipment is already being held by customs and needs an importer of record – can ImportAxcess help?
    • As a general rule we cannot assist in these circumstances but please feel free to contact us and we may be able to provide you some advice on your options.