Importaxcess - Importer and exporter of record services

What we do

ImportAxcess acts as the importer or exporter of record in most countries around the world, on behalf of companies who may not wish to, or be able to do so themselves. We are also able to apply for any necessary import or export licenses/permits, depending on the country and product.

We are a boutique IOR service provider supporting multi-national companies and the e-Commerce industry. We have specialist capabilities in some industries and we are also able to support other industries depending on the product. Please contact us for more details on our industry expertise.

Our Coverage

ImportAxcess provides coverage in Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa, Europe and the Americas. As we are continually building our global network, please contact us for up to date details on the specific country and regional scope.

One to many : we provide a single interface for you to work with when importing/exporting to multiple countries/regions

Solutions we Offer Value Proposition FAQ

why companies need ImportAxcess

Partnering with you to access global markets

1. You don’t have a legal entity or fiscal presence in the country of import
2. You do have a legal entity but you don’t have the infrastructure to support import activities
3. You are shipping equipment to support a project where the title of the goods needs to remain with you even after importation
4. You may not want your consignee or customer to be the importer of record for commercial reasons
5. This is a B2B or B2C eCommerce shipment and it’s not desirable for your customer or end user to be the importer of record
6. This is a warranty replacement or spare parts shipment where you need to deliver to the customer’s doorstep (DDP terms)
7. You may have temporarily lost the right to import in your own name

All of the scenarios above can be supported by engaging ImportAxcess to act as your importer or exporter of record.

What now? Complete our short questionnaire and we will get back to you within 1 business day.

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